Examining Ethics: An Honest Look at Ethics and Behaviours!

Examining Ethics: An Honest Look at Ethics and Ethical Behaviour!  (Part One)  Simply put, accounting is a profession which we are expected to at all times and in all circumstances, to act ethically, with integrity, dedicated to accuracy and transparency and within the parameters of highest business standards and principles. We are both professionally obligated to serve our clients, their needs, and their interests but to also be vigilant to unethical / illegal behaviour and to intervene and address it. Ethical behaviour is also about safeguarding the reputation of the accounting profession, a responsibility that every accountant must take seriously.

In this webinar, we take a unique, interesting, and personal look at ethics and ethical and moral dilemmas. Ethics is about our character, our beliefs, and principles but as accountants, we must strive daily to maintain the highest ethical standards in our profession. We examine and discuss interesting and real-world ethical dilemmas in the form of compelling case studies, and you’ll soon discover how ethics and ethical behaviour are far from “cut and dry” and are often a complex set of choices and decisions that must be made to lead to ethical outcomes that reflect well on us, our practice, our careers, and our profession. 

Applicable for:
All accounting professionals as ethics and ethical behaviour is a core value in the profession.

Prerequisites - Knowledge, Experience or Courses
This webinar has the objective of highlighting the importance of how ethics is in the accounting profession.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize/embrace the professional obligation of acting ethically in all interactions with clients.
  • Discover that ethical dilemmas can be simple to address or very complex to resolve.
  • Identify typical ethical dilemmas that they might face in their careers.
  • Learn that inaction in ethical dilemmas is condoning the behaviour.
  • Accept the important role that vigilance plays in ensuring ethical client relations.  

The topics in this seminar include:

  • Why it’s always about doing the right thing and the compelling reasons for doing so.
  • A look at how your “point of view” changes the ethical dilemma.  
  • Navigating ethics and the reality of ethics. 
  • Some case studies/pop quizzes on real-world ethical and moral dilemmas  

Seminar Leader: Michael Lewis

Presented by PD Partner: Michael Lewis Training

What to Expect

  • This is a Live Virtual Seminar where class size has been limited to allow for an interactive learning environment. 
  • This seminar will not be recorded.
  • Course materials, links and credentials will be emailed to you two business days before the seminar. Once sent, the email will also be found in your Account Communication tab of the CPA Manitoba Member Portal. 
  • Live webinars have varying levels of expected interaction, and some may require webcam and microphone capabilities – if you have concerns about the interaction required for this course, please email [email protected] 

 CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions 

2/21/2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Central Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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