What CPAs Need to Know about ESG

The roles and responsibilities of the CPA are evolving. The recent establishment of the ISSB and the increasing focus on ESG and sustainability related standards will require CPAs to be well-informed and provide guidance on these emerging matters. In the coming years, CPAs will play a central role in helping organizations deal with risk assessment and mitigation, evolving reporting standards, forecasting and strategic decision-making. CPAs must therefore adapt quickly and learn how to assist with developing, implementing and evaluating successful ESG and sustainability initiatives during these disruptive times. This course will highlight what CPAs need to know so that they are ready for what is coming and are not ‘left behind.’

This course will highlight what ESG is, and how it is a part of the ethical responsibilities that professional accountants hold. ESG will be explored in depth as a business ethics activity, relating concepts of ethical principles and moral responsibilities to the emerging issues that CPAs will experience in the 21st century. Participants will learn about ESG is important and how it is impacting the role of the CPA, as well as the regulatory environment and emerging standards that are already being implemented across sectors and industries. Significant terminology and wording related to ESG topics will be covered. The course will discuss non-financial and integrated reporting, and various ESG activities that are underway in specific industrial sectors. The returns on investment and the future of ESG will also be examined in depth.

Applicable for:
CPAs looking to understand how ESG will impact the accounting profession.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define ESG
  • Explain how ESG relates to business and professional ethics
  • Describe the history and future trajectory of the ESG movement
  • Explain the relationship between ESG and the role of the CPA
  • Describe how the regulatory environment is transforming and the new standards that are emerging across industrial sectors
  • Explain the relationship between ESG and other organizational activities, including internal control
  • Describe the emerging roles of CPAs in light of ESG initiatives
  • Explain the return on investment from ESG initiatives.

The topics in this seminar include:

  • Why ESG is a critical component of business ethics
  • How ESG relates to a CPA's ethical responsibilities and duty to protect the public interest
  • The history of “ESG” and factors driving the ESG movement
  • Key terminology, including “net zero”
  • ESG reporting standards
  • How ESG impacts the accounting profession and why CPAs are essential in the ESG movement
  • How ESG relates to KPIs, ethics, business sustainability, governance, and internal control
  • ESG activities by industrial sectors
  • Integrated reporting
  • Return on investment on ESG initiatives
  • Challenges with ESG initiatives
  • The future of ESG

Seminar Leader: Arun Mathur 

Presented by PD Partner: Ultimquest Knowledge Inc 

What to Expect

  •  This is a Live Virtual Seminar where class size has been limited to allow for an interactive learning environment. 
  • This seminar will not be recorded.
  • Course materials, links and credentials will be emailed to you two business days before the seminar. Once sent, the email will also be found in your Account Communication tab of the CPA Manitoba Member Portal. 
  • Live webinars have varying levels of expected interaction, and some may require webcam and microphone capabilities – if you have concerns about the interaction required for this course, please email [email protected]

CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions 

11/6/2023 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Central Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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