Corporate Tax - RDTOH, CDA and Other Tax Accounts

Tax planners are confronted with a multitude of tax accounts that need to be considered in conjunction with each other This seminar provides a detailed review of the key tax accounts for private corporations and examines tax planning processes in the case of multiple tax accounts.

Integration is an important part of Canada’s Income tax system for private corporations and the notional tax pools reviewed in this course are an important part of integration.  This course will provide a common framework for considering GRIP, the two

RDTOH pools, LRIP and CDA.  The focus of this course is applying an understanding of these pools to effective tax planning. . The seminar includes mini-cases that demonstrate complex issues involving multiple tax accounts.

Topics covered in this course include:
basic considerations for all tax accounts
GRIP, LRIP, ERDTOH, NERDTOH and CDA – how to calculate and the impact each has on tax planning and transactions
loss carry backs and the impact on each account
tax integration and planning considerations

Learning Objectives 
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
Describe the key attributes that need to be considered for the various notional tax pools.
Explain how to calculate the balance for GRIP, ERDTOH, NERDTOH, and CDA.
Develop an annual tax plan that makes use of the notional tax pools.
Explain how transactions that impact one pool might impact another.

Applicable for
Although all tax practitioners may benefit from this session, this seminar targets professionals involved in tax planning for privately held companies and their shareholders.

Prerequisites: Knowledge, Experience or Courses:
Participants taking this seminar should:
Participants should be familiar with existing tax rules in the Income Tax Act.

What to Expect
An email will be sent from CPA Manitoba to the participant within two business days of registration. The email will include information on how to access the course along with the necessary login credentials. 
Once sent, the email will also be found in your Account Communication tab of the CPA Manitoba Member Portal.
This course is designed for participants to view while following along with the course material provided. 
This self-study course allows the user to save their progress and return to continue later.

Registration is for this course is open until March 31, 2024 and should be completed by August 31, 2024, after this time, access to the course will no longer be available.

To receive a certificate, participants must complete a quiz at the end of the course. Unlimited quiz attempts are available until the passing grade of 70% or better is achieved. After this you will no longer have access to the quiz.

1/15/2024 - 3/31/2024

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