CPD Requirements for Newly Admitted Members


If you are a new CPA, you may be curious about the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements you’ll be responsible for as a member.

Annually, each member shall complete a minimum of 20 hours of CPD, including a minimum of 10 hours of verifiable learning activities.

In addition, members must complete a minimum of 120 hours of CPD in each three-year period, also called a three-year rolling cycle, including a minimum of 60 verifiable learning hours which shall include a minimum of four (4) verifiable hours in professional ethics.

Members admitted throughout the calendar year are permitted to report learning activities that occurred within the reporting period, January 1 to December 31, but prior to admission and registration as a member. The deadline for reporting CPD hours achieved between January 1 to December 31 is April 1 of the following year.

Thus, in the year of admission, you are permitted to report learning activities completed prior to the actual date of membership, including PEP modules. In addition, on the job training or major changes in job responsibilities may be considered as learning activities. We encourage all candidates to track their learning activities so they can easily enter them once they are admitted into membership. 

Members are required to retain supporting documentation for verifiable CPD learning activities for five years from the end of the calendar year. 

If you have recently been admitted to CPA Manitoba membership, please note that newly admitted members are required to complete full CPD reporting requirements in the year of admission to membership.

To learn more, review this list of helpful CPD resources:

If you have any questions after reading the CPD information in this article, contact CPA Manitoba Ethics and Regulatory Affairs.