Member Engagement Survey Results


The perspective and feedback of members are critically important to us at CPA Manitoba. Our profession is at the forefront of many exciting opportunities relating to AI, ESG and our new CPA Certification Program. We are also facing complex challenges, a shifting economy, and a labour market demand for more CPAs. 

As we adapt to these changes, hearing from our members and key stakeholders is pivotal to our strategy and operations.

We Hear You
In the fall of 2023, CPA Manitoba conducted a member engagement survey through ResearchWorks Inc. as part of our regularly scheduled member feedback program. We received 1037 completed surveys, representing a 15% response rate.

We also hosted two Member Information Sessions providing members with the opportunity to gain insight into the new CPA Certification Program, CPA Ontario and Quebec’s withdrawal from the National Accord, and the changing role of CPA Canada. 

Key Findings
The member engagement survey offered important insights into key performance measures for our organization and profession. 

Value of the Designation

  • 88% of respondents believe the CPA designation contributes to their professional success.
  • 83% of respondents are likely to recommend the CPA designation to others.
  • The CPA designation represented a good value to 86% of respondents.

CPA Manitoba Services, Offerings and Initiatives 

  • Among our various initiatives and programs, the highest value offerings included the CPA Manitoba website at 92%, setting and enforcing the Code of Conduct at 91%, the eNews at 88% and PD seminars at 82%.
  • Respondents indicated that the top items needed from CPA Manitoba are professional development at 62%, regulation of the profession at 52%, reputation of the profession at 51% and tools and resources at 49%.
  • Six in ten respondents said a physical office was not very/not at all important, while four in ten respondents felt that it was somewhat/very important.
  • Nearly one-half of respondents reported satisfaction with the profession’s EDI efforts, and almost two-thirds highlighted EDI-focused professional development as being a top priority.
  • The overall satisfaction rate with CPA Manitoba was 68%.

Additional Feedback 
As part of the plan to improve overall satisfaction, CPA Manitoba is focused on the following key themes that emerged in the open-ended responses:

  • The importance of focusing on the promotion of the CPA brand and high standards.
  • A desire for continued communication surrounding topics such as national collaboration, the new CPA Certification Program, and other emerging items.
  • An increase in free or low-cost professional development.
  • Providing additional value in consideration of the membership fees. 

Moving Forward 
CPA Manitoba is developing a comprehensive action plan, to ensure we are offering the best customer service, programs and value to our members. 

Key areas of the plan include member service level targets, member satisfaction and engagement, awareness of services, communications, and member tools.

We are also committed to continued transparency and communication on topics including national collaboration, the new CPA Certification Program, and the changing role of CPA Canada. 

We encourage you to continue sharing your feedback and engaging with us at key events including our upcoming Annual General Meeting on June 26.