Additional Resources

CPA Canada's helpful publications, worksheets, surveys and more will help strengthen your financial capability

Learn from these free and low-cost financial literacy resources:

Financial Wellness Guide – This interactive questionnaire teaches money basics and how they apply to others.

Just the Facts – Gain the straight facts on multiple financial topics to help you make more informed decisions and provide you with the vocabulary to talk about money.

Financial Literacy Podcasts: Mastering Money – A financial literacy podcast for financial educators that talks about key issues, trends, and tips as they relate to financial education. 

Your Money Matters Newsletter – Get expert tips from CPAs and others on how to manage money.

Financial Literacy Publications – Read CPA Canada’s innovative financial literacy publications for in-depth knowledge on improving financial health.

Money Management Worksheets – These worksheets help you with various aspects of managing money.

Money Management Surveys – View research on key money management, such as household debt management, holiday spending and fraud protection.

Small and Medium Business: Financial Literacy Resources – Get useful tips and resources to help you better manage your business's finances.

Other Financial Literacy Resources - Find helpful tools and resources from the federal government and other sources.