Member Directory

This directory provides a listing of CPA Manitoba’s members and their city/town of practice or employment. If you cannot find a member in this directory, or if you require additional assistance to verify an individual’s membership status, you may contact us.

Many of the members listed in this directory do not provide services to the public. The directory does not provide information about whether or not a member is permitted to engage in public practice. If you are looking to find a CPA firm near you, please visit the CPA Firm Directory.

This directory and its contents are the property of CPA Manitoba, and may not be used for any purpose but that intended. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the directory and its contents may not be copied, redistributed or altered in any manner, nor may it be used for commercial or solicitation purposes.

This directory is a service to the public. CPA Manitoba makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, accessibility or completeness of any of the information contained therein.

To further determine the status of a member, or to locate a member not listed in the directory, please contact us.

To search for a member of CPA Manitoba, enter all or part of their first name, last name, and/or city/town of practice or employment. The search is not case sensitive and will return matches that start with the characters that you submit.

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