Reconciliation in the Workplace

Learn practical, tangible changes that you can make in your workplace to make it a safe space and inviting for Indigenous employees. We will cover recruitment techniques, tips for retention, and policy changes that could remove barriers to Indigenous employee success.
During this workshop, participants will discuss how they can start to walk that path in their common everyday practices, which includes recruitment, onboarding, identifying policy barriers, and improving workplace practices. The content and areas we will discuss are not exhaustive, however they are common to all organizations and business practices, and can help you lay a foundation for an inclusive workplace for Indigenous Peoples and Employees. Please note it is recommended that attendees participated in The Truth about Colonialism – Then and Now session on Nov 9, 2022, or completed the on-line program The Journey Towards Reconciliation Starts with the Truth or participated in other Truth and Reconciliation learning prior to taking this seminar.

Applicable for: All employees across all organizations

Learning objectives:

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

· Understand how they can implement reconciliation in the workplace

· Assess and identify barriers to employment that may be encountered.

· Understand how workplace policies may have to change to implement reconciliation


Topics in this seminar include:

1. The Importance of Reconciliation

2. Recruitment: Job ads, interviews, and background checks and testing

3. Policy

4. The Workplace: Leadership support, lateral kindness, and workplace committees

Seminar Leader: Jennefer Nepinak, Kent Brown, and Sally Roach


CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions

12/21/2022 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Central Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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