CPA Manitoba Staff to Take Truth and Reconciliation Training


On September 28, 2021, CPA Manitoba staff will take Truth and Reconciliation Training at the national historic site of Lower Fort Garry in advance of Canada's first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

A Journey Through History: The Interactive "Blanket Exercise" will provide CPA Manitoba staff with an opportunity to journey through 500 years of shared history as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Staff will be engaged in an emotional and intellectual level as they walk through a series of historical events including pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization, government policies and programs, the Indian Act, residential schools, the 60's scoop and murdered and missing women. The program helps foster understanding, respect and the need for reconciliation to overcome the powerful sense of the wrongs Indigenous people have suffered at the hand of European colonists and their descendants.

Why Lower Fort Garry?
CPA Manitoba has chosen Lower Fort Garry for its staff training because it is the site in which the Ojibway, Swampy Cree and the Crown came together to sign Treaty No. 1 on August 3, 1871. This year, 2021, marks the 150th anniversary of that agreement.