International Credential Recognition

This page contains all current International Credential Recognition agreements between CPA Canada and other countries/bodies. 

Please note that the agreements listed below may be subject to change or termination at any time without notice.

If you are a fully qualified member in good standing of an international accounting body from one of the countries below, you may have rights to CPA certification in Canada through a reciprocal agreement.

If you are designated through one of our international partners, you may be eligible to have part or all of your designation recognized through one of CPA Canada’s Memorandums Of Understanding (MOU).

For members in good standing of IFAC member bodies with whom CPA Canada does not have a specific agreement:

International accounting professionals who are not members of an international body with an MRA or RMA with CPA Canada, are not members of an IFAC member body, and/or are members of an associate body of IFAC: