Ethics: Mis and Disinformation and Prof Skepticism

Previous title: Ethics: Lies, Alternative Facts and Professional Skepticism When you read a headline online that says "Insanity: The Word 'Man' Is Banned at Princeton University," do you immediately think "That goes too far!"? Or is your first reaction "Really? That sounds like an author writing a sensational headline to generate traffic to their article."? As professionals, our clients and the public in general count on us to be the "voice of reason" and to show a healthy amount of skepticism.


Applicable For

Those who want to learn how to be the "voice of reason"


  • Examine and de-bunk common examples of ways to present questionable or misleading messages
  • How to spot deceptions and out-of-context illustrations
  • Apply critical thinking to ask probing questions and sharpen our responses
  • Explore the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' proposed broadening of professional skepticism and judgment guidance for professional accountants
  • How skepticism is a key part of the judgment we need as professionals to meet our ethical obligations under the CPA Code of Professional Conduct

What to Expect

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ProDio Audio Learning Inc. (ProDio) is a Canadian company that creates audio-only verifiable PD courses delivered via mobile application.

The course link will be sent by email within 2 business days of purchase. Once the link has been sent, you are not able to cancel or transfer your registration.

HANDOUTS – please be sure to check the handouts tab when you access the course content

This course is best experienced on the free ProDio mobile app.

Download and install the ProDio mobile app to access the course on your smartphone or tablet (available for free through the App Store and Google Play). App is not supported oniPad.Use the Safari web browser.

ProDio offers high quality, fully produced audio-only courses that are engaging, concise, easy to listen to and test your learning along the way. Course content includes expert interviews, interesting stories, sounds, case studies and media clips which will be available for one year after purchase.

If you have any technical difficulties while working through the course, technical support contact information will be included with your course login instructions.

Once you complete the course – print or download the certificate from the app or website.


All content associated with this course is the property of ProDio Audio Learning Inc. and you may not copy or distribute course content without written authorization.

CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions

4/1/2022 - 3/31/2023
Online registration not available.

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