Professional Ethics - Improving Psychological Safety

In this webinar, we will examine current research to understand psychological safety for organizations and teams further. We will then introduce ways to assess and improve psychological safety for both organizations and teams.


Psychological safety is a measurement of how comfortable you are to share your thoughts and speak your mind in the workplace. It is an important area of research in the field of organizational behaviour. Current research has shown that organizations and teams with higher psychological safety are more productive, creative, and happier. And teams and organizations that have higher psychological safety make better and more ethical decisions. However, current research also shows that psychological safety is fragile within organizations and teams. Critical events such as new leadership, organizational strategy changes, and external situations (such as a pandemic) can adversely affect an organization's psychological safety.

Applicable For

The course will benefit organizations and individuals looking to promote ethical decision-making and improve workplace productivity and creativity.

What to Expect

Within two business days of completed registration and payment; an email with the seminar link will be sent from CPA Manitoba. The email will include a coupon code for access to the course on the Sheriff Consulting website. Access expires one year after purchase. 

Technical Help

Technical support will be accessible by email. Contact information will be included in the email with your coupon code.

CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions

4/1/2022 - 3/31/2023
Online registration not available.

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