Management Accounting - Fundamentals

For professional accountants that have not exercised those management accounting muscles in some time (maybe since university), this course will help participants apply management accounting concepts to generate new ideas for problem solving.


Common associations with management accounting include cost accounting, break even analysis and variance analysis. However, management accounting concepts include so much more such as organizational behavior and employee motivation. It is exciting to learn that the world of management accounting includes, for example, research on workplace altruism by renowned Wharton School Professor Adam Grant. And at the center of all these concepts in management accounting is their application to creative problem solving.

In gaining movement back in those management accounting muscles by taking this course, participants will be able to generate more ideas on how to solve problems such as:

  • How to identify and classify costs for internal decision making
  • How to use cost behavior to help with budgeting and forecasting
  • How to more effectively communicate with non-financial managers (such as Sales, HR)
  • How to create incentives to align organizational strategy and employee motivations

Participants will work through problems, case studies and collaborate with their peers to discuss how they can use management accounting information and tools to help solve challenges within their organizations.

Applicable For

This course is targeted to professional accountants who are transitioning into a managerial accounting role (or responsibilities) and require a refresher of key concepts. The course has been designed to provide an overview of selected key topics in management accounting

What to Expect

An email will be sent from CPA Manitoba to the participant within two business days of registration. The email will include information on how to access the course along with login credentials.
Registration is for this course is open until August 31.2022 and should be completed by September 30.2022, after this time, access to the course will no longer be available or refundable.
This course is designed for participants to view while following along with the course material provided. This self-study course allows the user to save their progress and return to continue later.
To receive a certificate, participants must complete a quiz at the end of the course. Unlimited quiz attempts are available until the passing grade of 70% or better is achieved. After this you will no longer have access to the quiz.

CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions

4/1/2022 - 8/31/2022
Online registration not available.

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