New Certification Program Update


In May 2024, the profession advised members, candidates, students and key stakeholders that the new certification program being developed would be completed on a revised timeline. Being mindful that accredited post-secondary institutions will likely need two years to implement any necessary changes, the earliest the new program will be available is early 2027.

We are encouraging all learners to stay on their current education path. They will be supported through a transition period from the current to the new program once it launches. This includes offering the CFE during a transition period. Learners transitioning from the current PEP program to the new certification program will receive exemptions based on modules and exams successfully completed.

Since May, a number of key activities have occurred, including:

  • June - CPA Manitoba hosted consultation events with employers and post-secondary institution (PSI) key contacts.
  • June - The profession provided an update on the new certification program at the 2024 Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) Conference.
  • July - A national workshop was held with PSI key contacts with a focus on learning outcomes. Manitoba had two representatives present for the workshops.
  • August - A national workshop was held with employers with a focus on practical experience. Manitoba had two representatives present for the workshops.

Roadmap for the Upcoming Months
Over the upcoming months, policy development for the new certification program will begin.

We encourage you to continue visiting for any key updates.