2024 CPA Manitoba Foundation Charity Golf Tournament Recap & Photos


The CPA Manitoba Foundation held its annual golf tournament on August 21, 2024, at Bridges Golf Course, which brought together avid golfers, sponsors, and supporters for a day of both competition and generosity. 

Participants showcased their skills while giving back to future CPAs. All funds raised from the tournament help remove barriers for current and future CPAs and provide additional opportunities to improve access for those who are underrepresented, ensuring the profession is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

Laughter, camaraderie, and a shared commitment to giving made the day truly special. On behalf of the CPA Manitoba Foundation Board and staff, we would like to thank all golfers, sponsors, prize donors, and volunteers who were in attendance. The event was made possible with the support of all the attendees and sponsors.   

View the Golf Tournament Photo Album

Thank You to Our Sponsors