ASPE - Strategic Investments

Do you or your clients have subsidiaries, significantly influenced investees or investments in joint arrangements?  These types of investments are considered strategic and ASPE allows for choices in their accounting. The options and their impacts will be explored in this course.

This course covers ASPE 1591, 3051 and 3856 and examines the choices to be made regarding accounting for strategic investments, including subsidiaries, significantly influenced investees or investments in joint arrangements. This examination will include the impact on recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of the choices. In addition, the course explores the recent changes to ASPE when you choose to account for controlled subsidiaries or significantly influenced investees at cost.
The seminar will be delivered primarily through discussion of examples with some exercises.

Topics Include:
the nature of strategic investments, including control, significant influence, or joint control as well as the accounting policy choices associated with each area
the differences in accounting when subsidiaries are recorded at cost, on an equity basis, or consolidated
the fundamental principles of equity accounting
the changes in accounting for significantly influenced investees on a cost basis
the principles of accounting for joint arrangements and their application

Applicable for
Two main categories of professionals will benefit from this seminar:
Professionals involved in the preparation of private enterprise financial statements
Practitioners who serve private clients with investments in subsidiaries, significantly influenced investees, and joint arrangements.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
Recognize and measure related party transactions – from simple to complicated transactions including amalgamations and property transfers.
Draft best practice disclosures for related party transactions addressing the concerns of practice inspection.
Implement the changes to ASPE 3856 for retractable and mandatorily redeemable shares.
Implement the changes to ASPE 3856 for related party financial instruments.

What to Expect
An email will be sent from CPA Manitoba to the participant within two business days of registration. The email will include information on how to access the course along with the necessary login credentials. 
Once sent, the email will also be found in your Account Communication tab of the CPA Manitoba Member Portal.
This course is designed for participants to view while following along with the course material provided. 
This self-study course allows the user to save their progress and return to continue later.
Registration is for this course is open until August 31.2023 and should be completed by September 30, 2023, after this time, access to the course will no longer be available.
To receive a certificate, participants must complete a quiz at the end of the course. Unlimited quiz attempts are available until the passing grade of 70% or better is achieved. After this you will no longer have access to the quiz.

4/1/2023 - 8/31/2023

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