As a CPA Manitoba member, candidate or student, you and your family have access to this free program through Homewood Health - a Canadian leader in mental health and addiction services with over 130 years of experience. 

CPA Support (formerly the Member and Family Assistance Program) is a professional and proactive service to support you with a wide range of personal, family, and work-related concerns. Within a confidential environment you can receive counselling for any challenge.

Homewood Health will match you with a counsellor who suits your needs and provide you with short-term solutions. If you are identified as requiring additional, longer-term treatment or specialized support, counsellors will refer you to community-based resources and programs which suit your unique needs.

Homewood Health is a trusted company with experience delivering the best possible support for CPAs in Manitoba. Everyone is guaranteed confidentiality within the limits of the law. You won’t be identified to anybody — including your employer or CPA Manitoba.